Payment methods

All prices posted on the site are inclusive of duties and taxes. Prices can be changed at any time, without notice and are valid except for typing errors.


Payment can be made through the cards that adhere to the circuits accepted by Paypal, without the need to be in possession of a Paypal account, simply click on the PAYPAL payment button and select the option "I do not have a Paypal account", after which it will be possible to enter the data of the your card and complete the payment. For any problem regarding payment procedures, you can contact us, we will be at your disposal for any help and clarification.


By choosing to pay with Paypal the amount is charged directly to the account on which the personal account opened on the Paypal site is supported. You will then definitively confirm your order on our site. In case of cancellation of the order, the total amount is refunded to the customer's Paypal account within the time limits established by Paypal.