Rebirth ring

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This ring owes its particularity to the image that stands out in the central part that is a deer symbol of vital regeneration thanks to the periodic renewal of its horns which are also compared to the branches of trees take on an allegorical value of development and union between the superior forces and the lower ones. The horns of this animal stand as a symbol of longevity and the cycle of successive rebirths. This regal animal is associated with the symbolism of the Sun and light. There is a great diffusion and importance of this animal in Indo-European mythologies: from Greece where it was consecrated to gods of purity and light (Apollo Athena Diana) to India where it represents the mount of the singing god Vayu. In Scandinavian cosmology the four deer on the world tree represent the four winds; in the Celtic world there are real deer gods and divinities who drive chariots pulled by deer; even today those who visit places like Coole in County Clare in Ireland will be struck by the sense of deep reverence and respect that are paid by the inhabitants to these beautiful animals. MATERIAL: semi-natural alloy (zinc magnesium and aluminum)
TREATMENT: aged silver hypoallergenic 100% without nickel

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